This week Photo I has an open assignment due Friday the 7th. Next weeks assignment is light reflections. Students should take picture of reflections in water, chrome or other reflective surfaces and pay attention to the way light reacts with these surfaces.
Photo II & III:
Photo II & III are working on images with a same subject multiple times in the image. Please see the following examples.

Important info:
This week is TAKS testing on Wednesday the 5th.
Show information:
Blair Strong has recieved a gold key award for Photograhy from the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. This is a very compeditive competition. Blair has won on the State level and her work is now going to national competition.
The following students works were accpted to the TVAA and YAT competiotns.
TVAA: (Texas Visual Arts Accociation)
Madi Wright
Kyle Watson
Tyler Condry
Hannah Livingston
Sarah Smylie
Hunter Fletcher
Ana Kuhlmann
YAT (Young American Artist Contest)
Hunter Fletcher
Ellie Gilchrist
Ana Kuhlmann
Hannah Livingston
Sarah Moore
James Orrock
Have a Great Week!
Mr. F