Photo I:
should work on a second panoramic taken with a digital camera. If you do not have a digital camera please use pictures from your final exam. Most digital cameras made in recent years are relatively good for use in class. It is best if you have a camera that can shoot in RAW mode but this is not necessary for Photo I class.
Here is an example of a panoramic shot that I took a couple of years ago. It is not a great photo. In fact it is really over exposed but it shows what PhotoMerge does. I used Bridge and PhotoMerge to put it together in about 5 minutes. This is what our first digital assignment will be in class when you return.

Photo II:
Shoot the next 100 shots for your movie. When you get back you should have 300 shots done. We will be working with the Salted Paper process when you return. This is a very finicky process and requires much care to detail on your part in order to turn out correctly. We will also be making our coating for albumen printing and coating paper for that process. When you return the outside assignment "Squished" will be due. We will have presentations on Friday of your work.
Have a great holiday