This week photo one's assignment is to shoot Multiple/double exposure shots. This is accomplished by doubling the ISO for each extra shot on the film frame. For instance, if one is using a film rated at 400 ISO If you are going to shoot two shots on one frame you can change the ISO to 800. This allows less light into the camera compensating for the light that will be let in for the second shot. At 400 ISO for 3 shots one would set their ISO to 1600 and so-on-and-so-forth. The old way to do multiple exposure is to shoot the roll all the way through the camera once then rewind it and load the same film and shoot it through again. Contemporary cameras have a setting that allows for multiple shots to be taken on the same frame. Some cameras allow up to 9 overlapping exposures.
There is just something about in camera multiple exposure that cannot be achieved by digital means. In my opinion it is a feeling of authenticity, rawness and honesty that is lacking in many digital images.
Next assignment will be your Panoramic due after break for Seniors or as your midterm for everyone else.

Photo AP:
Working on breadth section.
Have a great week!,
Mr. F